Kiwanis Family
Kiwanis International
Started in 1915 in Detroit, this worldwide organization is comprised of adult men and women who enjoy improving the lives of others in their communities. Kiwanis Clubs sponsor other members of the K-Family through advice and financial support. The Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Kiwanis International has over 12,000 members. Currently, Kiwanis International has clubs in 94 countries and has over 600,000 members!
Key Club International
This is the oldest and largest high-school service organization. First started in 1925 at Sacramento High School in California, there are now over 5,000 Key Clubs throughout the world (mainly in the US and Canada, but other countries are starting to develop clubs as well).
Builders Club
Started in 1975, today Builders Clubs have 40,000 members worldwide making it the largest service organization for junior high school students. Builders Clubs can not only be found in schools but also in community facilities such as churches and the YMCA. Builders Clubs are “student-led” which allows young people to develop their leadership skills and abilities. Circle K Clubs are encouraged to co-sponsor a Builders Club.
K-Kids is the youngest and fastest-growing service organization for elementary school students worldwide. K-Kids provides opportunities for children to get involved with their community, develop leadership skills, moral character, and a respect for others. Circle K Clubs are encouraged to co-sponsor a K-Kids club.
Aktion Club
Aktion Clubs are the newest Kiwanis Sponsored Program. Aktion club is a community service organization for adults living with a disability. Aktion club members strive to return to their communities the benefits, help, and caring that they have received, as well as develop important skills in the process.