Join Us!

Interested in joining a Circle K Club? View a list of clubs and their presidents here. Feel free to contact the club president of the club you’re interested in joining. He/she will be glad to help you out! Learn more about how to charter club click here.
Don’t see your school listed? That means your school does not currently have a CKI club chartered or is in the process of chartering. Please contact Northern Lieutenant Governor Elijah Irizarry at northltg@iicirclek.org or Southern Lieutenant Governor Max Schaad at southltg@iicirclek.org, and they’ll be happy to help you through the process of chartering a CKI club.
Benefits of Being a Member
There are so many wonderful benefits to being a member of Circle K International. Here are just a few of the many great benefits that CKI members enjoy.
Campus and Community Service Opportunities
CKI members plan and participate in projects and activities, both on their campus and within the community around them. Through these activities, members volunteer their time, talents, ideas, and skills to projects that have long-lasting effects on their community.

Leadership Development
There are numerous ways to get involved with leadership positions within CKI. Whether it be a position within your club, a district officer role, or an international officer position, there are many different ways for every member to develop their talents and skills.

Professional Development
CKI helps college students develop various skills that can be applied in the classroom, workforce, and beyond. Kiwanis is a well-known organization throughout the world, so there are various networking opportunities within the organization. Plus, being a part of a world-renowned service organization looks great on a resume!

CKI has clubs at more than 500 college and university campuses worldwide, giving members the unique opportunity to connect with people throughout the world. By attending divisional, district, and international conferences and conventions, CKI members get the special chance to meet people with diverse perspectives and experiences different than their own. There are many opportunities to form tight friendships and bonds with people all throughout the world.

Scholarship Opportunities
Through the generous efforts of the Kiwanis International
Foundation and Kiwanians in the districts of CKI, many scholarships have been made available to CKI members.

Member Cards, Handbook, & Pin
Each member receives a membership card to show their good standing in CKI. Members also receive a handbook that outlines the organization and a membership pin.

Education, Membership Recruitment,
Public Relations, Promotion, and Training
Every member club receives the latest program and public relations information and materials developed by the International Office. These materials are designed to assist in club administration, growth, and development. They are available upon request.

Reasons to Join & Watch a Clip
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