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District Goals

Goals were set by the district board at the 2021 President’s Retreat and District Officer Training. We cannot reach these goals without the help and participation of the District membership!

Service Hours
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Goal: 4,320

Currently: 207

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Goal: 180

Currently: 124

Club Charters
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Goal: 1

Currently: 0

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Club Reactivation

Goal: 1

Currently: 0

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Goal: 20

Currently: 2

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Kiwanis Neuroscience Research Foundation Fundraising 

Goal: 2,000

Currently: 30

K-Fam Relations
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Goal: 40

Currently: 8

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Kiwanis Family Picnic Attendence

Goal: 40

Currently: 0

Holiday Embrace Attendence
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Goal: 100

Currently: 0

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Leadership Training Retreat Attendance 

Goal: 50

Currently: 0

WASH Fundraising
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Goal: $1,500

Currently: $846

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District Convention 

Goal: 50

Currently: 0

CKI ELC Attendance

Goal: 15

Currently: 0

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