Club Building Corner
Welcome to the new club building corner!!
Here you will find much of the information needed to start, and continue to run, a Circle K club! There are resources here that will help you from chartering your club, to contacting a Kiwanis Club, to what to do when you have a fully functioning club and ready to begin holding meetings.
If you have ANY questions at all regarding anything you see, click here to see who you can contact!

Why Start A Circle K Club?
Benefits of establishing a Circle K Club on Your Campus
What makes Circle K unique from other collegiate service programs? Circle K is a well-established network of college students and community leaders. It has an International Headquarters located in Indianapolis, where a professional staff develops materials on a wide range of topics from community service to student leadership, as well as coordinates an annual meeting for the members. Because each club is sponsored by a Kiwanis club, very few resources are required by the college or university to support a Circle K club. In addition, Circle K involves members of the community with campus life activities. Students’ career development is an indirect benefit of Circle K’s affiliation with Kiwanis, as Circle K’ers interact with their professional counterparts. Circle K International is student lead at the club, district, and international levels, and provides numerous leadership development opportunities through leadership training retreats and interclub service projects. By establishing a Circle K club at your campus, your college or university can tap into an active community service network.

Top 5 personal benefits in being a CKI member:
1. Campus and Community Service– because of CKI’s rich history of helping others, members of CKI clubs share in the tradition of serving their campuses and communities. CKI members, by planning and participating in projects and activities, volunteer their time, talents, ideas and skills for the purpose of making a long-lasting and far-reaching impact on their environment
2. Leadership Development– Through the CKI structure, every Circle K’er has the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills by serving as an officer or chair, district officer or international officer, each member has the opportunity to discover and develop talents and skills
3. Professional Development– Involvement in Circle K will allow college students to apply what they learn in the classroom to everyday situations. the skills that are developed and the opportunities experience through involvement in Circle K will increase a student’s employability after college. Furthermore, Circle K’s connection to Kiwanis promotes career networking between collegians and professions.
4. Friendship– Because CKI is organized at 500 college and university campuses worldwide, members have the unique opportunity to become friends with collegians from different countries. Attendance at divisional, district and international conferences and conventions provides members the special chance to learn of diverse perspectives, make new friends, share ideas and concerns, and travel.
5. Scholarship Opportunities– Through the generous efforts of the Kiwanis International Foundation and Kiwanians in the many districts of CKI, each district has a $1,000 scholarship available for the members. In addition, at International Convention, more scholarships are presented to Circle K’ers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, service, and scholarship.
New Club Building Forms and Resources
New Charting Check List
The charter payment and a charter member roster must be submitted to complete thechartering process.Information needed for each member: name, gender, graduation year &email address if available. A roster in Excel format will be available for download in theonline chartering process.
Club Building Guide
There are many benefits of joining or building a new Circle K club. The opportunity to perform meaningful service projects in the community and with large service partners such as UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Students Team Up to Fight Hunger (STUFH); making lifelong friends; and the ability to develop invaluable leadership skills. If the college or university you are attending does not have a Circle K club, or if you are a Kiwanis member who would like to see a Circle K club started at a nearby school, this New Club Building Guide is a simplified version of how to begin this process. Circle K International has released many additional resources outlining the new club building process over the years. If you would like to consult these resources, please see the “Additional Resources/Information”pageon page 11of this document.
Club Building- Petition For Charter Form
Circle K International (CKI) is a student-led service organization for college and university students. CKI was originally developed by and is modeled after, Kiwanis International, a global network of men and women serving the children of the world. The stated purpose of CKI is to existto meet the personal needs of the individual university student through the qualities of leadership, the rewards of service, and the unique spirit of friendship.
Reactivating- Petition to Reactivate Form
Circle K International (CKI) is a student-led service organization for college and university students. CKI was originally developed by and is modeled after, Kiwanis International, a global network of men and women serving the children of the world. The stated purpose of CKI is to existto meet the personal needs of the individual university student through the qualities of leadership, the rewards of service, and the unique spirit of friendship.
Sponsorship Toolkit
As a CKI member, you have opportunities to develop your leadership, meet other CKI members from around the world, and learn how you can make a difference—all at CKI leadership conferences and events. Some of those events, such as the annualCKIInternational convention, require fees to cover registration, travel, food, and entertainment. Unlike other benefits you receive through CKI—such as the online magazine—these aren’t paid for by your annual dues.
What to do when you have a club up and running!
Now that you have your club chartered, its time to educate your new members on CKI. Here is a sample 4 week program to follow to better equip your club with the knowledge they will need to be successful in the K-Family.
Also, make sure to include some fun icebreakers into your meetings! Click here for a list of useful icebreakers.
Week 1
During Week 1, plan the following three programs for new member orientation.
During Week 1, your chartering club should demonstrate its excitement and commitment to the
individuals interested in becoming CKI members by sponsoring a social activity in their honor. Perhaps sponsor a pizza night, bowling night, sledding event, murder mystery event, casino night, or any other ideas, to welcome these individuals to CKI. The sponsoring Kiwanis club should be the host for this social event. A social event is an energetic and casual introduction to CKI.
CKI 101 – Introduction to CKI
Utilize the following agenda to present this educational program to potential new members.
I. Overview of the Orientation Program
A. Discuss the purpose of the orientation program.
B. Discuss the schedule of orientation events.
C. Discuss the potential member’s participation in these events.
II. Overview of the Year
A. Highlight opportunities for involvement—projects, conferences, etc.
III. Benefits of Membership
A. Discuss the benefits of membership as outlined in the handout in this section.
Plan a service project to immediately get the potential members experiencing the spirit of your forming club’s service. The service project should be non-threatening and you should allow the potential members the choice of how they want to become involved with the service project.
Be certain to orient all potential members to the service project. Whom will they be working with? What exactly will they be doing? What impact will they make?

Week 2
CKI 101 – The Club’s Operation
I. CKI’s Relationship with Kiwanis
A. Discuss the connection between CKI and the sponsoring Kiwanis club.
B. Discuss the benefits of this relationship.
II. Structure of the Club
Discuss what club offices will need to be filled and the duties of each
III. Faculty Advisor
Discuss your faculty advisor’s relationship to the club.
Participate in a Service Project
Week 3
CKI 101 – The Circle K International Structure
I. Levels of Circle K International
A. Discuss the difference between the club, district, and international levels of the organization. (Refer to the President’s Workbook for information on this topic.)
B. Discuss who manages the organization at these levels—students.
C. Discuss the role of the Lieutenant Governor. (Refer to the President’s Workbook for
information on this topic.)
D. Discuss opportunities at each level.
1. Leadership Training Conferences
2. District Conventions
3. International Conventions
4. Divisional Rallies
5. Interclubs
II. Key Club International (Refer to the President’s Workbook for information on this topic.)
A. Discuss Key Club.
III. Builders Club (Refer to the President’s Workbook for information on this topic.)
Discuss Builders Club.
Participate in an Interclub
Coordinate an interclub in which four prospective members attend the meeting of another CKI club. This interclub may take place at the other club’s meeting, social activity, or service project. You may want to plan a joint service project with another CKI club. If you are unable to plan an interclub with a CKI club, participate in an interclub with the sponsoring Kiwanis club.
Participate in a Joint Service Project
Either with another CKI club, a fellow SLP club, or your sponsoring Kiwanis club, plan a joint service project.
Week 4
CKI 101 – Membership Commitment
I. Discuss New Member Involvement with the Club
A. Ask potential members how they want to become involved with the club.
1. Are there certain projects they want to organize?
2. Are there areas of service in which they would like to see the club become involved?
3. What programs would they like to see the club present at a club meeting to promote their personal, leadership, and professional development?
II. Reinforce the Need for Active Participation
III. Expectations of Membership
A. Discuss Purpose of Minimum Membership Requirements—They ensure that the individuals involved with the club are committed to the club’s mission and willing to participate in activities to support that mission. They maximize the club’s service potential. (Some areas for minimum membership requirements are outlined below.)
B. Begin discussing what minimum membership requirements, in the areas noted below, your chartering club might establish once chartered
1. Attendance Requirements
2. Service Hour Requirements
3. Committee Involvement
4. Interclub Participation
5. Attendance at Educational Seminars Sponsored by the Club
6. Dues Payment (after the first year)

Growing & Retaining Membership
Who to contact?
Interested in joining a Circle K Club? View a list of clubs and their presidents here. Feel free to contact the club president of the club you’re interested in joining. He/she will be glad to help you out! Learn more about how to charter club click here.
Don’t see your school listed? That means your school does not currently have a CKI club chartered or is in the process of chartering. Please contact Northern Lieutenant Governor Elijah Irizarry at northltg@iicirclek.org or Southern Lieutenant Governor Max Schaad at southltg@iicirclek.org, and they’ll be happy to help you through the process of chartering a CKI club.